DonnaJobsAcademy is committed to shaping your skills and unlocking your potential in the professional world, offering tailored courses and training programs just for you
Siamo tua guida per crescere professionalmente e personalmente
Siamo tua guida per crescere professionalmente e personalmente
DonnaJobs Leadership al Femminile, Business & Networking
What DonnaJobs is
It is an Academy where we teach women to shine in the professional world, providing tailored services, courses, and training programs to enhance their skills and reach new heights
it is a Digital Community where women can find an environment to start, grow, and develop their own businesses
It is a Marketplace where every woman makes her talents shine, offering services, courses, and unique paths that contribute to building a network of dynamic and innovative professionals
We train Women to excel in the professional world, offering them personalized courses and mentorship
We develop cutting-edge online educational products designed to enhance the skills demanded in the job market
We support Women throughout their career journey, providing continuous support, networking opportunities, and resources to foster both professional and personal growth
Comprendi e gestisci le emozioni grazie a teorie scientifiche come la Ruota delle Emozioni di Plutchik. Trasforma le emozioni in risorse per il tuo successo.
Consigli Pratici per la Tua Crescita Personale e Professionale
Il nostro blog è una risorsa per chi vuole crescere, migliorare e trovare ispirazione. Scopri articoli utili e pratici divisi in rubriche dedicate al mondo digitale, alla crescita personale e professionale, e al benessere. Qui troverai i migliori consigli e strategie per fare un Quantum Leap nella tua vita e nel tuo lavoro.